New CEEC-USA Diocese Established in Florida
(The Presiding Bishop of the CEEC, The Most Revd Quintin Moore, hands a crozier to Bishop Sean Yost, the newly-installed diocesan bishop of the newly-established Diocese of Redemption.)
The Diocese of Redemption was formally established and Bishop Sean Yost was installed as its first Diocesan Bishop on Saturday, April 16, 2023, at Redeemer Church in Jacksonville, Florida during a celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The service also included the reception of priests and deacons into the Diocese, as well as the ordination of two deacons and one priest.
(Archbishop Quintin and Bishop Sean with the newly ordained.)
The service of installation was presided over by our Presiding Bishop, the Most Reverend Quintin Moore. Representatives for the House of Bishops sent letters attesting to their affirmation of this next phase of +Sean’s episcopal ministry.
The House of Bishops of The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches unanimously approved the establishment of the new diocese at its September 2022 Synod and approved the plans for moving forward that culminated with +Sean’s installation. +Sean was consecrated by in 2005 by four Bishops in apostolic succession and has served as a suffragan bishop in the Communion during this time.
Sean and his wife, Deacon Barbara, were a part of the founding leadership team of Redeemer Church. Pastor Sean served as both Youth Pastor and an Associate Pastor before transitioning to Lead Pastor in 2012.
Sean’s heartbeat is to see unity amongst the body of Christ in Jacksonville and around the world. He is the Founder & President of YouthQuake Live, a monthly show created and performed by teenagers to reach their peers.
Redeemer Church and the Diocese of Redemption is driven by Bishop Sean’s vision that is dedicated to the Unity of the Church, Intentionally Generational, Rooted in History, and Strategically Missional.
Our congratulations to +Sean and all the clergy and faithful of the new Diocese.
(Bishop Sean and Deacon Barbara Yost and their family.)
Prayer for the Diocese of Redemption
God our Father, in all the churches scattered throughout the world you show forth the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Through the Gospel and the Eucharist bring your people of the Diocese Redemption together in the Holy Spirit and guide them in your love.
We acknowledge with deep gratitude your abundant blessings bestowed on +Sean and Barbara+ over the last several years
We ask you to bless this new Diocese and its people as the embark on this next phase of ministry. Inspire them to build on the work of the faithful who have gone before them. Give them strength and courage to embrace their Diocesan vision and mission. Help all who travel with them to be conscious of their baptismal responsibility to be bearers of God’s love and embody the hope of the Gospel. Through our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.