Bishop Quintin’s Post-Convocation Letter
What a wonderful week! I came to the end of last month’s convocation feeling encouraged, uplifted, and grateful to be a part of the CEEC and to serve as your presiding and diocesan bishop. From meetings with my brother and sister bishops, to times of corporate worship and Eucharist, to wonderful teachings and discussions, to our closing worship service on Thursday evening and the ordination service held for our own diocese on Friday evening – the whole week was a glorious moment in the life of our communion, Province USA, and DOR.
Chaplain Diego Londono, Navy (lower left), and Chaplain David Evans, Army National Guard (left-center), are prayed for by Bishop Quintin (right-center) and the other clergy of DOR.
There are a few things I wanted to share with you as a follow-up from last month:
The sessions will be made available online after we have had an opportunity to edit them into the individual sessions. Once they are edited and uploaded, we will let you know where those sessions will be available.
Our next CEEC Convocation will be in 2025. It will mark the 30th year of the communion and the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea. More information about that will come next year.
I know several of our dioceses and jurisdictions hold their own annual gatherings. Let me add my support and encouragement to make sure those meetings are held in 2024. As a sign of fellowship and the growth of the whole CEEC family, might I even suggest that we extend invitations to people from other dioceses and jurisdictions to attend our gatherings? This will continue the work of cross-pollination that was added to in Hutchinson. These times of fellowship, worship, and hearing each other’s hearts is so vital to the work that we do.
During one of the sessions, I mentioned the work of Archbishop Reinhard Sekar in India. Archbishop Reinhard and his people are in the process of registering the CEEC in the entire country of India, across all 28 states and 8 union territories. On behalf of the bishops, I asked for your help to raise the remaining $2,300 of the $5,000 needed to complete this task. Again, I would humbly ask for your assistance, however great or small, in finishing off this amount for Archbishop Reinhard and CEEC-India. Furthermore, if you feel led, we would like to make a one-year financial commitment to CEEC-India to help them in their post-registration work. To help with either goal, you can go to and select “India” from the drop-down menu. Please contact Bishop Ryan Mackey ( if you have questions.
I especially want to encourage you to pray for our new deacons (Michele Deviney, Corina GrandPre, Myra Hess [Virginia], Cindy Hurley, Mark McCasland, Tara McCasland, Marissa Moore, Holly Sheahan-Hicks, Katie Perez, Ryan Rose, Cindy Scheer, Kelly Stucky, Rachel Stucky, Nicole Updegrove) and presbyters (Kurt Purucker [Japan], Dan Syrcle [Wichita], Adam Wooten) as they adjust to life in their new roles.
Bishop Quintin celebrates the Eucharist at the ordination service.
Chaplain Diego Londoño, Navy (left), interprets for Bishop William Núñez (right) as Bishop Nunez addresses both the in-person gathered DOR clergy and a number of clergy gathered online from the Missionary Diocese of the Good Shepherd—which is made up of congregations in Latin and South America—in Spanish.
The longest-serving clergy in DOR with Archbishop Wayne Boosahda, who was Archbishop Quintin’s chief consecrating bishop. (From left: Bishop Ryan Mackey, Mother Annie Moore, Archbishop Quintin Moore, Archbishop Wayne Boosahda, Mother Heather Faulkner, Father Sean Faulkner, Father Derek Shore)
The DOR clergy pray for Archbishop Quintin.
Again, I am so humbled to serve in this role and honored to serve with all of you. The icon of “Christ and Abbot Mena”, sometimes called “Christ and His Friend”, has served as a point of meditation and vision for me throughout the past several months. Similar to the “Christ Pantocrator of Sinai” icon, in this icon Christ both holds the shoulder of Abbot Mena with one hand while looking towards him, and holds the Gospel in the opposite hand while casting an eye towards the viewer and the world. May we, too, hold and love those whom Christ has given us to serve, while directing them onward towards a deeper life in Christ.
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Cor. 13:14, NIV).
Constantly praying,
The Most Revd Quintin Moore
Presiding Bishop, The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches